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Saturday, 2 March 2013

Blog Revamp

Since I started this blog back in 2009, I’ve been maintaining it as a sort of web site rather than a blog.

That means it’s probably got a bit cluttered. 

I don’t want to switch over to having a ‘specialist’ web site because this blog’s address is in all my literature, and is known to my publishers, fellow authors and the like.  So, I’ve decided to still use this blog as my main web presence but I’ll be restructuring some of the supporting pages to minimise the links, make the information easier to find, etc, etc.  Probably most importantly, I think it will make it easier for people to find out about me, my work, and my publishers.

It’s not going to happen overnight, but will be an ongoing task.

Thank you for bearing with this, probably highly uninteresting, post!

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